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A public company’s income statement is an example of financial accounting. The end result is a financial report that communicates the amount of revenue recognized in a given period. U.S. public companies are required to perform financial accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Their purpose is to provide consistent information to investors,…
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They read the psychology of the market using chart patterns and technical indicators. Due to the 24-hour nature of forex, swing trading is common for currencies. Traders may hold currency positions for days, profiting from global macro price waves. The high probability trading signals these strategies tend to be infrequent. By search for trades in…
Contents The Risks of Managed Forex Accounts Managed forex accounts good results Find and Compare The Best Online Broker For You Our final thoughts about Copy Trading I like the idea of investing $25k for it to turn into about $7 million by year 5. The risk level of an account or manager is something…
The double top is clear, and a close risk/stop can be set at the highs. The 1st element is the wide body bullish candle signaling potential exhaustion in an uptrend. This is followed by weak or no effort to continue higher, hence the reversal. The point here is that the “bullish” engulfing candle in…